The Ultimate Magnet Fishing Resource
We are an authority in the Magnet Fishing world providing the most accurate information and reviews of Magnet Fishing Gear and Equipment. Learn from the vast research we have done to compile the most complete resource covering information, news, product reviews, buying guides and more within the world of Magnet Fishing.What is Magnet Fishing?
Similar to metal detecting, magnet fishing is the hobby of searching for ferromagnetic objects in our waterways. Magnet fishing is done with a neodymium magnet that is fastened to a rope with the help of a carabiner.
We are the experts in Magnet Fishing and have traveled all around the world searching waterways, rivers, canals and even the ocean for some of the most interesting treasure that you wouldn't normally find on land. Join us and join our community of Magnet Anglers who seek what fascinating treasures are hiding from us below; all while cleaning the very waterways we love to hunt.
We're eager to answer all of your questions you may have and share with you all of the tips and experience we've gained over the years of our journey magnet fishing the world.
Magnet Fishing Buying Guides
Take the advice from experts who have years of experience hunting for treasures in rivers, waterways and even the ocean all over the world. We know what qualities are important after using hundreds of different products and can recommend the best options for whatever scenario you may be facing.
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